List of known bugs

This is a list of some of the known bugs in Pmw. If you fix any of these, please contribute via the Pmw discussion and announcement mailing list on

 import Tkinter
 import Pmw
 def foo(event):
     print '<Enter> event on text'
 root = Pmw.initialise()
 balloon = Pmw.Balloon()
 canvas = Tkinter.Canvas()
 text1 = canvas.create_text(50, 50, text = 'hello
 # As is, the balloon does not appear over the text, but foo
 # is called.  Swap the following two lines and the balloon
 # appears but foo will not be called.
 canvas.tag_bind(text1, "<Enter>", foo)
 balloon.tagbind(canvas, text1, 'text 1 help')

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